Two extremely troubling events have happened this week….for me terrifying.

This morning a journalist, Steve Baker, was arrested, handcuffed, feet shackled and put in an orange jumpsuit for misdameanor charges. When have people charged with misdemeanors been handcuffed, let alone had their feet shackled. These days people charged with violent crimes aren’t treated like this.

What did he do? He was one of 60 journalists that went inside the Capitol on January 6th. He went through the door opened by the police and he did his job as a journalist. Some of the other journalists actually climbed through broken windows. Have any of the other journalists been arrested? NO! Why was Baker arrested? Because he was hired by The Blaze to go through the J6 videos and tell the truth about what happened on January 6th. This is “Selective Persecution”. This is, yet ANOTHER, example of our two tiered justice system. The FBI has been threatening Baker for the last two years with arrest. I suspect they did that to discourage him from continuing his investigation. It didn’t. It is clear the process is the main part of the punishment. This is being done to scare any other journalists from daring to seek the truth.

Speaker Johnson and several Congressmen and their staff stayed up all last night to find Baker on the videos to prove him innocent of the charges. Some of the charges are trespassing, parading, chanting. The videos show he did none of that. The legacy media isn’t going to report on this CLEAR violation of the First Amendment or “equal justice under the law”. The Left used to be the most outspoken in defense of free speech, as was the ACLU but no more. This morning Alan Dershowitz volunteered to help defend Mr. Baker.

Catherine Herridge is also being persecuted by the government over her investigations. She is being threatened with prison if she doesn’t give up her sources.

The other terrifying event hasn’t happened here YET, but if Democrats win in November I guarantee it eventually will. It’s from Canada. CANADA, what used to be a harmless, rather uncontraversal country. Now it’s becoming a communist country. Trudeau just introduced a bill to their legislature (it hasn’t passed yet, but is expected to) to criminalize “hate speech”. It is bill C-63 called the “Online Harms Act”. As usual Leftist bills are described as something they are not. The bill is described as a bill to protect children online….and it does have laws that supposedly protect children but it ALSO demands Social Media platforms abide by their law or be banned from Canada, AND that is the cover for what they really want to accomplish….the criminalization of “hate speech”. So, they can say if you are against the bill that you don’t want to protect children.

The least that can happen to someone accused of “hate speech” is that you will be fined $70,000, $20,000 to your accuser and $50,000 to the government. The worst is that you will get LIFE IN PRISON! Canada doesn’t have LIFE sentences even for murder. This bill says someone can say they “fear” you will say something hateful. You don’t even have to have said anything and get an injunction against you. People can go through your social media and bring something you said 15 years ago and accuse you of “hate speech”. Remember the Left says if you were against gay marriage you hate gay people. Of course that isn’t true but they have been saying it for years. You are a hater if you want a secure border, you are a hater if you don’t want men competing in women’s sports, you are a hater if you use the wrong pronouns, etc. Calling someone a hater is an opinion not a fact.

This bill would probably get Jordan Peterson life in prison. They have already sentenced him to “reeducation”. Jordan is a man whose opinions are common sense. His opinions are ones we (Western Civilization) ALL used to believe. I admire Mr. Peterson’s defiance of his persecution.

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Last month was the 4th Anniversary of January sixth, 2020.

I was there that day. I wrote a column about J6 right after I came home. I said, as did most MAGA Conservatives, that we were appalled by the violence that broke out and believed anyone involved should face the consequences. However, the justice we believed existed then, no longer exists. There are people arrested for non violent crimes who are in jail today that have had no court date. They’ve been in jail for 4 years and have yet to be convicted of a crime. Is anyone in jail for burning and looting cities across the country? No. That isn’t “equal justice under the law’.

I wrote in my first column that I was suspicious of a set up from the moment I arrived in DC. I noticed two things missing that had been present in the previous seven rallies or protests I had been to in DC. First, there was no police presence. In past there were groups of police all around the crowd and mounted police riding through the crowd. Second, there were counter protestors (ALWAYS) that the police barricaded from us. We saw ANTIFA and BLM the night before attacking MAGA people in the street but didn’t see a single counter protestor on January sixth. Where did they go?

As the years have passed and more and more has been uncovered my suspicions have been verified. In the months after J6 lots of video taken by MAGA people contradicted the narrative being given by the legacy media and Democrats. Immediately, it was called an “insurrection”. We all knew that wasn’t true. The crowd was about 90% unarmed senior citizens. We were there because we believed there was enough evidence of fraud to warrant investigation (and those suspicions keep being verified as well).

Immediately after J6 my suspicions were increased when Nancy Pelosi refused to release the thousands of hours of surveillance videos. There is no place with more surveillance cameras than the Capitol. You have to ask why Pelosi wouldn’t release the videos if they would verify her “insurrection” claims. Access to these videos were also denied the J6 prisoners….but the J6 Committee had access to them. Thankfully, enough citizens and Republican members of Congress demanded long enough and loud enough that some of the videos were released. Our suspicions were validated. Rather than confirm Pelosi’s “insurrection” claims, they confirmed her claims were “malformation”.

The first claim that QAnon Shaman, Jacob Chansley, was the face of the insurrection, lead people to break into the Capitol and illegally entered the House Chamber. The Judge sentenced him to 12 years in prison. But, surprise, surprise, the videos show him being escorted through the Capitol by Capitol police helping him to find an open door to the Chamber. They show him talking to the police and then telling the MAGA people that they could be there as long as they were peaceful. There is ALSO video of him reading President Trump’s message telling everyone to go home (hours before the Left claims Trump made that message). The result was that Chansley was released from prison. (Video attached).

Chansley is a peaceful, harmless man. He’s like the men who wear their football team jersey and paint their faces, or the little Native American boy who wore a headdress and painted his face in support of the Kansas City Chiefs. Chansley is a fanboy of QAnon and America. But look what Pelosi and friends were willing to do to him simply because he stood out. He entered the Capitol through an open door, spoke to the officers, calmed the crowd, and was escorted to the Chambers by the officers. Pelosi knew that, the J^ Committee knew that and yet they were willing to vilify him to scare the rest of us from ever protesting again. Sadly, it’s ben working. I certainly wouldn’t go to DC again.

Next we discover the Capitol Police Officers who testified to the J6 Committee perjured themselves in the most egregious ways. Officer Dunn testified that he was called the “N” word numerous times by MAGA people (videos show no such thing). He also said the Oath Keepers were threatening him in the Capitol. Pelosi’s Chief of Security said he witnessed this, however, video shows he wasn’t anywhere near Dunn at the time. The Oath Keepers were shown on video speaking respectfully to Dunn and forming a barrier between him and the crowd. They were helping Dunn but his perjurious testimony resulted in the getting the most severe sentences. One, who wasn’t even in DC, getting 25 years.

Officer Fanone, who is now a media correspondent, testified that he was nearly beaten to death, however the videos show him walking around the Capitol normally after he was “beaten”. The picture of Fanone and Pelosi attached says it all. The Left has no problem perjuring themselves because they know they will face no consequences for doing it. Brennan has done it, Clapper has done it, Mayorkas, Fauci, Dunn, Fanone, and MANY others.

Recently, videos have been released that show the bombs planted at the DNC and RNC were also a Democrat hoax. The last four years we’ve been told they just don’t know who planted the bombs. Interestingly, recently released videos show there has always been a camera across the street from the DNC that is directed at the front of the building. The videos show the camera remaining stationary for at least 8 or 10 hours. One could assume it remains stationary 24 hours. So why is there no footage of the “bomber” planting the “bomb”? I used quotes because it’s questionable if it actually was a live “bomb”. The “bomb” was easily visible from the camera across the street. It had pipe with a large kitchen timer attached. Since the timer was only an hour long and the “bomb” was there for several hours, exactly how was the “bomb” going to b set off?

So, the camera clearly sees the “bomb” but when Vice President Harris’s caravan arrives at the DNC, five cars filled with Secret Service and Capitol Police whose job it is to protect the VP from danger pass by the clearly visible “bomb” without seeing it. Two of the SUV’s remained outside the building. When, what turns out to be a plain clothed Capitol Police officer finds the bomb, he walks over to the Secret Service SUV and apparently tells them there is a “bomb”. They leap into action…..after finishing their sandwiches….and call for the bomb robot to get the “bomb” (although I didn’t see them evacuate the building). When the robot arrives and approached the “bomb” the camera strangely moves 45 degrees away from the scene. So, we don’t actually see what happens to the “bomb”. Considering the camera hadn’t moved for numerous hours before that, it IS curious why it moved at that time. The timing of the “discovery” of the RNC and DNC “bombs” is also interesting since they were found shortly before violence broke out at the Capitol.

It is simply not possible to believe someone could plant “bombs” at both the RNC and DNC without being on camera. They haven’t found who planted the “bombs” because they know exactly who planted them but they don’t want the public to know. THEY (FBI) planted them. They hav been able to continue to call what happened an “insurrection” for the last four years because they wouldn’t allow us to see the videos. However, even though we now have evidence of a set up, the media doesn’t report it and many people will continue to believe it was an “insurrection”.

As I reported in my original column, the Capitol Police Captain introduced himself to me at a previous rally and told me he wasn’t worried about us because he had never had to arrest one of us and we cleaned up after ourselves. The way the Capitol police had viewed us and treated us in the past was completely different than they treated us on J6. When we approached the Capitol (the People’s House) that day we were confronted with police pointing guns and carrying shields. They immediately started pepper spraying and flash banging the completely peaceful crowd. When that didn’t provoke the crowd they started tear gassing. Conservatives aren’t violent people. In fact, at every gathering I’ve been to we’ve been reminded that we can’t resort to violence. Many of the videos of J6 show people trying to stop someone from breaking a window and asking police why they aren’t stopping them.

When more Capitol videos are released, I would not be surprised to find that after hours and hours of trying to provoke violence and not being successful, it was the “plants” in the crowd who started it.

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Today the Treasure of Utah, Marlo Oaks, was on the radio warning that the FEC was planning to create a company called “Natural Asset Company” https://www.nyse.com/introducing-natural-asset-companies 

We have little time. They plan to announce their decision January 2nd.  

Basically, what this does is allow people to buy stock in the “Company” (for caron offsets and good ESG Scores) and the “Company” will buy land and air and stop any economic activity on that land. No use of natural resources, no mining, no oil or gas drilling, no water, etc. This will kill rural towns, farms, ranches (as required by Agenda 21/UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development).  

We need to contact our State and Federal representatives and the FEC and say a big NO!! 


It’s hard to feel that we can make a difference when our Rights are being attacked from all sides, but we CAN and we DID. 

Last month I asked our members to contact their representatives about the FEC deciding if the “Natural Assets Company” could be traded on the Stock Exchange. It would have allowed the Company to buy land and AIR above Towns to restrict the use of our natural resources. We only had a week to act but we DID act. Our Representatives contacted AG’s and 6 Republican AG’s argued against the “Natural Assets Company” and the FEC decided not to allow the Company on the Stock Exchange. This is a BIG DEAL and I want to thank all of you who contacted our Representatives.  

This is the time we must be bold, we must speak up, we must take action. Your voice DOES matter. 

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Are you AWAKE to what the WEF, UN, and World Leaders (including our own) are planning for us? Then you must feel alone, fearful and angry. You’ve probably lost friends and even family members. You wonder how your country, the whole world, in fact, could have changed so drastically so fast and no one seems to be stopping it. You’ve come to realize the people and institutions you used to trust can be trusted no more. You were lied to about a virus with a 99.8% chance of survival. You were lied to about HCQ and Ivermectin. The WHO and CDC knew Ivermectin and HCQ were both preventatives and cures for coronaviruses but they banned them. The government mandated you take an experimental vaccine or you’d lose your livelihood. And the media that is supposed to be the watchdog of the government became the spokesmen for the government. We have athletes dropping dead on the field after getting the vaccines and the media tells us it’s normal. We can turn on any news station, either local or national, and find the newscasters saying the exact same words.

The country you grew up in, the people you trusted are gone and the only people telling you the truth and fighting against what is happening are being censored, silenced completely and destroyed. You are told 97% of scientists agree man is causing Climate Change when the data doesn’t agree with that claim. The world is NOT warming. So NOAA and NASA lowered the temperatures from the 1930’s to make it look like we are warming. You ask yourself where are the investigative journalists? It doesn’t take much investigation to compare past temperature charts and present ones to point out the differences. But then the journalists that did lost their jobs.

When I learned George Herbert Walker Bush, a Republican, signed Agenda 21 my world turned upside down. I always thought Republicans were for individual liberty and the Bill of Rights. Agenda 21 was, for all intents and purposes, America’s death warrant. I couldn’t believe anyone who was born and raised in America could agree to that. We were the freest, most successful country with the highest standard of living. We should be a role model for the rest of the world, but instead our leaders decided, not just America, but all of Western Civilization needed to be reduced to third world countries. But worse, our leaders decided we needed to be controlled. How better to control EVERYTHING we do than to claim man is causing Climate Change and the world will end if they don’t control our behavior.

And now they’ve discovered everything they did to us during COVID they can do in the name of Climate Change. They can take our liberty, they can lock us down, they can close businesses. Once government realized they could take our liberty by declaring emergencies, they are finding emergencies.

I had a fake friend, named Frank, who use to comment on my blogs for years and argue with me about Agenda 21 and what it would mean for all of us. He called me a conspiracy theorist. But everything I warned about, everything I said was being planned is happening NOW. Agenda 21 called for no privately owned homes, cars, farms or ranches. Farms and ranches are being put out of business. Farmers denied the use of fertilizer, ranches being squeezed out because we shouldn’t eat meat. Gas cars being banned so we can only have electric cars. But they are expensive, dangerous, don’t work in various climates and can’t go as far as gas cars. And since wind/solar are the ONLY alternative energy being produced it can’t and won’t produce enough energy to charge electric cars. And since they are planning for us all to live in “15 Minute Cities” or “Smart Cities” where cars are nearly impossible to use, the result will be no privately owned cars.

Fourteen Cities in America have adopted policy ideals (Los Angeles included) that include no privately owned cars, no travel (one short flight every 3 years), only purchase three items of clothing a year, no dairy or meat. These are C40 cities (look it up) and they will lock us into “15 Minute Cities” that will surveil everything we do. We will have Central Bank Digital Currency that will prevent us buying anything the government decides we shouldn’t have.

Our children’s futures ARE being stolen from them but not by Climate Change, but by being indoctrinated in schools, by being introduced to porn, gender dysphoria, CRT, 1619. By teachers alienating them from their parents. Teachers keeping secrets from parents. Parents being labeled “domestic terrorists” for objecting to “how to” sex education. Men allowed to compete in women’s sports and use women’s bathrooms, lorckerrooms and showers. Women have no private spaces any longer. Apparently to make one transgender comfortable, all women must be forced to be uncomfortable. And if a women objects she will be cancelled.

We are being told we must agree with what we know isn’t true. There isn’t “my truth” and “your truth” there is only THE truth. Transgender women are NOT equal in every way to biological women. Surgically changing your body doesn’t change your gender any more than having a face lift changes your age. DNA determines your sex and that doesn’t change. Gender dysphoria is a mental illness. You know it if you are among the AWAKE and you can’t agree to a lie. You CAN define “woman” and you know men can’t have babies or menstruate. You know a 6’4″ man can beat the best woman athlete.

I think the hardest thing for me to understand is how ANYONE could vote Democrat when it’s been demonstrated SO CLEARLY what Democrat policies result in. Criminals, illegal aliens and homeless having more rights than responsible, hard working citizens. Inflation, decaying cities, rampant crime, anti-human policies (who are we saving the planet for?), etc. Does the public understand that their leaders are trying to reduce the world population to under ONE billion…..which means they need to eliminate 7 billion people? Fires, pandemics, experimental vaccines, sterilizing children, abortions up to and including birth are a start. Hawaii is a perfect example of how little our leaders care about human suffering. Still more than a thousand missing….and they won’t say how many are children.

It’s hard to be AWAKE during these times. Every institution, every government agency, Sports, Hollywood…..everything is against you. You are shunned, deplatformed, censored, called deplorable, listless, useless eaters and worse. You feel isolated, depressed, and helpless, but you are not alone. There are more of us than there are of them. That’s why they fear us so much. They wouldn’t be doing everything they can to destroy us if they thought we were helpless. We can’t give up, we MUST keep speaking up, telling the truth, saying the Emperor is naked. We MUST vote. There are at least a million registered Republicans in Los Angeles who don’t vote. We MUST get them out to vote.

And PRAY! I keep reminding myself God is in charge. I remind myself that many miracles are responsible for the founding of this country. We had a rag tag army against the biggest, most equipped army in the world. We had no shoes, few weapons and yet we WON! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

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Liberals have deliberate, devious and very successful tactics. They have every intention of eliminating opposition by any means necessary. What has been so successful for them in recent years is to make very serious accusations against an opponent. Make a big show of having 20 or 30 armed, flack jacketed, FBI agents beat on the door of the accused in the early morning hours, handcuff them and perp walk them in front of cameras. The media then picks up the baton and speculates about the seriousness of the alleged crimes the opponent is accused of. Could be extortion, influence selling or, the media will suggest, even sedition, or treason. When the FBI or DOJ is questioned they can’t comment on an “on going investigation”. But the media will breathlessly report on it, speculate about it, and opine about the seriousness of it endlessly. 

The only problem is that there is no real investigation because there is no crime, only an accusation of a crime. They stretch the “investigation” as long as possible, months, years and then a brief press release saying they found nothing to charge criminally. But the damage is done. Too many people believe the accused is guilty of whatever they were charged with. 

What brought this to mind for me were three recent events. A brief press release saying there would be no charges against Rudy Gulianni. No explanation, no apology.  About the same time, the young woman who accused Alan Dershowitz of having sex with her when she was underage suddenly realized she was so young that she may have mistaken him for someone else. Charges dropped. And, of Course, the unprecedented raid on Mar-A-Lago. Apparently, they found nothing other than what every other President would have in their archives. But, once again, damage done.

Except for the “Russian Collusion” hoax that went on for more than two years (and is still being used regardless of having been proven false), one of the most agregious uses of this tactic was General Flynn. General Flynn had a distinguished 33 year military career. He worked under three Presidents. President Obama appointed him head of the Defense Intelligence Agency. Trump appointed him National Security Advisor. Flynn had the highest security clearance there is. The Left knew everything there was to know about General Flynn. They knew he knew where the bodies were buried. FBI Director James Comey, quickly took him out. One of the ways they destroy people is the cost of their legal defense.  Most innocent people want to prove their innocence but the government has an endless budget for lawyers to keep the case going as long as possible and bankrupt their target. And once they threatened to destroy his son, Flynn pled guilty. Mission accomplished. 

And now, Elon Musk, is giving us a glimpse into the government’s collusion with Social Media Tech companies to silence their opposition. Once again with the enthusiastic help of the Liberal Media. Naming anything that goes against the Left’s narrative “hate speech” or “misinformation”. They don’t have to show proof. The accusation is sufficient. They suppressed the Hunter Biden Laptop even though the FBI has had the laptop for months and knew it belonged to Hunter. Then to give more credence to the lie they had FIFTY former Intelligence Agency officials sign a letter saying the laptop was “Russian Disinformation”. No reporter asked any of them if they had examined the laptop or what evidence they had to make such a claim. Then more than two years later the media admits the laptop is, in fact, real. Again, damage done. 

We keep hoping when the undeniable truth comes out the people who had believed all the lies would see the truth. But when the media doesn’t even report it, they never hear the truth. The Liberal media was silent on Elon Musk’s release of the proof Twitter conspired with the government to suppress Hunter Biden’s laptop and silence opposition. The government would ask them to silence someone and Twitter would reply, “Handled”. The Left kept defending the censorship by saying Twitter’s censorship wasn’t a violation of the First Amendment because they were a private company and they can do what they want. But when they are collaborating with the government to censor people and suppress information, it certainly IS. 

Knowing the media isn’t going to report on evidence of the government malfeasance, WE MUST, whenever we can. We can’t be the “silent majority” any longer. We must stand up and speak up. 

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If you listen to any of the Liberal media or read the NY Times, you would think George Santos was the biggest story of the year. A politician lied on their resume. While I find that troubling, especially when a Republican does it, it certainly isn’t rare. 

The NY Times found this SO troubling they sent reporters to Brazil to look into his records. They found when he was 19 he stole a checkbook and bought a pair of shoes. The Left isn’t going to let this go. Apparently, Santos didn’t go to the college he said he did, nor did he work for the brokerage company he said he worked for. The NY Times says he is the first openly gay, non-incumbent GOP elected. The media is digging into ANYTHING they can find on Santos. They are questioning past boyfriends. and although he certainly wouldn’t be the first gay man to have married a woman, the fact that he didn’t list that on his resume is unforgivable. 

And as Republicans are joining the chorus demanding he resign, my problem with all of this is the media’s laser focus on Santos and the complete lack of interest in ANY Liberal’s wrongdoing. Liberals always rally around their wrongdoers, while Republicans throw theirs under the bus. There is no hand wringing about Biden’s legendary lies about his accomplishments. Biden said he has several degrees, was top of his class, was arrested with Mandela, traveled with Xi Jinping, said he was raised in a Black church, was raised in a Puerto Rican community, marched for civil rights, knows nothing about Hunter’s business dealings in the countries he was covering, we’re not in a recession, the border is secure, etc, etc, etc. 

The media is also not interested in Eric Swalwell sleeping with a Chinese spy for two years (but still sits on the Intelligence Committee), Diane Feinstein having a Chinese spy work for her for 20 years (I think those might be more of a problem than Santos), Blumenthal’s or Tom Harkin’s lies about serving in Viet Nam, Hillary saying she faced gunfire, Brian Williams seeing bodies floating by, Adam Schiff saying (after every intelligence agency said they had no evidence) that they had irrefutable evidence that Trump colluded with Russia, or Elon Musk revealing how the FBI was working with Twitter to censor ANY information that hurt the Progressive agenda, etc. 

No interest at all in how AOC went from not being able to afford an apartment in DC to being worth $28 million three years later. No interest in the “attack” on Paul Pelosi, no demands for the   police body cam video, no interest in who leaked the Supreme Court Dobbs decision (out of about 20 possibilities), no interest in the missing video of the man who planted bombs at the DNC and RNC offices, no interest in Ray Epps, or the 14,000 hours of video Capitol police won’t release, no interest in the 6 million illegal aliens who have crossed our border the last two years or their effect on our communities or economy, no interest in due process for the J6 prisoners still in jail three years later for non-violent crimes, no outrage over a Capitol officer killing unarmed Ashley Babbitt, no interest in the REAL dangers this country faces…..but George Santos requires days and days of outrage. 

For me the worst is the complete lack of interest in Hunter Biden’s laptop. The Trump kids were vilified, questioned, accused of all sorts of questionable things, but Hunter? No interest. Well, lets help them. A group went over Hunter’s laptop carefully and wrote a report on the over 400 crimes revealed on it. They have send their report to every member of Congress and Legal agencies. This is the link to their report. bidenlaptopreport.marcopolousa.org. Read it, talk about it, question media about it, don’t allow them to ignore it. 

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The polls say 75% of the citizens think this country is going the wrong direction…..so they voted to CONTINUE to go in the wrong direction?? Seriously?

They voted for MORE inflation, higher gas prices, rationed energy, mandated experimental vaccines, being on the verge of a NUCLEAR WAR!! Five million MORE illegal aliens crossing our border, higher crime, more censorship, more armed FBI raiding people’s homes, letting criminals out with no bail so they can kill their witnesses, stores closing because people just come in and steal, more homelessness, more filth, more poop, more indoctrinating our children, more sterilizing and sexualizing children, biological men competing against biological women in sports, beauty pageants, jobs, etc.

And a media that lies to us every day. So many people have no idea what is truly happening. They actually think January 6th was an insurrection. They think Republicans want to take away their Social Security and Medicare. They think reversing Roe vs Wade meant abortions were banned. They are told Republicans want to take their “Rights” away while Democrats are ACTUALLY taking their “Rights” away. Mandating vaccines is taking your “Rights” away, closing your business is taking your “Rights” away. Closing churches, banning family from dying loved ones bedsides, closing schools, mandating useless masks, telling doctors what treatments they can and can’t use, moratoriums on rent, paying student loans, not enforcing immigration laws, calling illegal aliens “refugees” so they qualify for generous (more generous than Social Security) benefits, putting illegal aliens in hotels while veterans live on the street, banning safe, effective medications…….ALL this is taking your “RIGHTS” AWAY.

The Left now wants to make voting by mail-in ballots a federal law (never mind the CONSTITUTION says that is a State issue), they want to install “ranked voting” (like Alaska) in every blue state and nationwide eventually. If we had an honest, impartial media they would be educating the public on how bad that is. They keep talking about our “democracy” when “ranked voting” is as unDemocratic as it comes. The person with the most votes may not win. Right now in Alaska the candidate in the lead is projected to lose due to this policy.

Few (on either side of the aisle) trust our elections anymore. But rather than implement policies and laws that make our elections more trustworthy, rather than address the honest concerns people have, the Left wants to criminalize questioning the results. Canada IS criminalizing questioning elections. So is Brazil. Here in Arizona (ground zero for Mules stuffing ballot boxes) people were organizing drop box watch groups. But others filed suits saying that would suppress the vote. I say, yes, we want to suppress ILLEGAL votes. Yes, we want to suppress dead people, illegal aliens, and voting more than once. Why would any voter feel intimidated dropping a ballot into a drop box if that’s all they are doing?

Let’s go over reality, something the media SHOULD be doing, NOT ALL people “eligible” to vote REGISTER to vote, and in average ONLY about 60% to 65% of REGISTERED voters actually vote, soooo, sending mail-in ballots to ALL REGISTERED voters (and the Left wants to send them to all “eligible” voters) results in millions of ballots floating around for OTHERS to fill out and send in. In 2005 the Carter/Baker bipartisan voter integrity study found absentee (mail-in) ballots were the biggest risk for fraud and that we should have voter ID (80% of voters agree), but none of this is ever mentioned by the media. All they do is repeat and repeat that Republicans want to suppress minority votes, that voter ID is racist and that EVERY vote (including illegal ones) should be counted.

In the 2020 election ballots they knew were illegal were counted. Why? Observers were prevented from observing even when ordered by courts to allow them to observe. Why? Where was the media on this. As long as we have a biased media, we can’t win. We thought January 6th and Roe vs Wade lies had faded from people’s minds. The polls said people were more concerned with high gas prices and inflation and that abortion and J6 were way down the list of concerns. Apparently not. Certainly, not if you listened to the main stream news.

I am devastated. And I blame the media, and the Republican leadership for this. I blame McConnell, McCarthy and LINDSEY GRAHAM (why did he author a nationwide bill banning abortion after 15 weeks RIGHT before the election)?? He knew it couldn’t get passed but it put the issue in the headlines again. And now they are calling to reelect McConnell and McCarty for Republican leadership AGAIN. Normal people wouldn’t reward the losers.

I don’t know what else to say. I’m completely devastated (but we aren’t burning down cities, are we?) We “domestic terrorists” are sitting in our homes staring into space wondering what happened. Wondering how people could vote against their best interests. Wondering how we’ll survive this. I guess we haven’t felt enough pain.
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As I watched the Congressional Hearings on abortion I was stunned by how willing women are to be erased. No longer can a woman be defined. One woman said she “identified” as a woman but she couldn’t define what a woman was.

I don’t “identify” as a woman, I AM a woman….and proud of it. The Left keeps saying to believe the science but they deny the science In defining what a woman is. Regardless of what you do cosmetically to your body, or what hormones you take, your DNA doesn’t change. “Identifying as a woman” when you still have a penis doesn’t make you a woman. Nor does “identifying as a man” when you still have a vagina, uterus and ovaries make you a man.

I don’t understand why women are allowing themselves to be erased. We aren’t “people capable of giving birth”, we aren’t “chest feeders”. If you have ovaries, a uterus and vagina you are a WOMAN. If you have breasts that can produce milk you are a WOMAN. If you have a penis and testicles you are a MAN. If you have XX chromosomes you are a woman, if you have XY chromosomes you are a man. That’s what the SCIENCE says, that’s what your chromosomes say, that’s what your DNA says. If they found your decomposed body in the wilderness they would identify you by your DNA.

EVERYTHING women have fought for, for centuries is being erased. How do you fight for “Women’s Rights” if you can’t define a woman? California requires every company to have a woman on their board…but they can have a transgender woman who would be taking the job from a biological woman. Lia (Will) Thomas is this year’s “Woman of the Year” taking the title from a biological woman. Is they really OK with women?

Women fought for decades to have parity with men’s sports. Now biological men are taking over women’s sports. And women are too afraid to speak up against it because they will be demonized as transphobic. They’ll be told that is hate speech and will incite violence against transgenders.

But the same isn’t true with “women who identify as men”. There are no men being raped by “women who identify as men” in men’s bathrooms or locker rooms. There are no “people who produce sperm” or “people who drink beer”, no one is having trouble defining what a man is. There are no “women who identify as a man” winning championships in men’s sports. There are no men being impregnated by “women who identify as men” in men’s prisons.

During the Congressional Hearings on abortion, Professor Khiara Bridges accused Senator Hawley of being “transphobic” and inciting violence against transgenders by denying they exist. Senator Hawley wasn’t denying transgenders exist. He was questioning if they are biological women. Nor was asking for a definition of “woman” inciting violence against transgenders. The Professor was saying “men” can menstruate and give birth. No, they can’t. If a “woman identifying as a man” still has ovaries, a uterus and vagina the is STILL a woman. I’m sorry, I believe the SCIENCE. Someone born with XY chromosomes, a penis and testicles, can NOT give birth. It isn’t scientifically possible. I refuse to pretend what I know isn’t true….IS.

Where are the feminists? Why are they silent as women are being erased? Where is the “me too” crowd on biological men being put in women’s prisons, bathrooms and locker rooms? Where are they when biological men are taking titles, jobs and championships from women? Especially when the opposite isn’t true.

I stand with WOMEN. I AM woman, hear me ROAR!!!

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Since the Supreme Court ruled against Roe vs Wade on Friday the Progressives have lost their minds. Truly, they have lost their minds. I’ve watched dozens of TicTok videos of women screaming, swearing, and threatening mayhem over the ruling. Hollywood is melting down. Some musician said he would renounce his citizenship over the ruling and move to England (that has stricter abortion limitations than we do), others have threatened the Justices. The media echoed the hysteria with no curiosity into the Constitutionality of the ruling.

Can we take a moment to discuss the reality of the decision? First, the ruling DID NOT ban abortion. Abortion is STILL legal. It simply took the decision out of the hands of the nine Justices and gave it back to the states…..where it always belonged. The Constitution clearly states that the powers not specifically given the federal government are left to the states. Roe vs Wade was a badly conceived, unconstitutional ruling and even Ruth Bader Ginsberg agreed.

May I point out that many people were VERY unhappy when Roe vs Wade, Obamacare, and gay marriage were passed but they didn’t threaten the lives of the Justices or demand the Court be packed with Justices that would support their desires. The Supreme Court is supposed to uphold the Constitution and decide if laws fall within the Constitution’s limits. They are NOT supposed to be influenced by public opinion.

Second, the Pro-choice advocates keep saying the Supreme Court just took away a “Constitutionally guaranteed Right”. They might try reading the Constitution because there is no such guarantee. They claim the Court has never reversed precedent before. I found 16 times they reversed a ruling (precedent), Brown vs Board of Education being the most well-known that reversed the “separate but equal” education policy.

When Progressives claim women have the “Right” to choose what they do with their bodies they conveniently neglect to mention that with “Rights” come responsibilities. They insist that women are as intelligent and capable as men, if not more so, but act as if women are completely helpless to prevent pregnancy. Responsible women have many choices to make to prevent an unwanted pregnancy. They can choose abstinence, they can choose not to have unprotected sex, and the can choose one of the dozens of forms of birth control. Progressives show their hand when they never speak of responsible behavior.

Progressives also keep saying the majority of the country supports abortion. As usual, they take a grain of truth but leave out the context. Although, it doesn’t matter what the majority supports as the Court can’t concern itself with that, yes, the majority of the country does want abortion to be legal (and it is) but NOT up to and including birth….or beyond. Progressives can never accept a compromise. Even though many pro-lifers believe life begins at conception, they could live with abortion in the first 15 weeks (heartbeat), but the majority is definitely against late term abortions. The media shows their bias when they leave that part out.

When the New York legislature was debating abortion law, a legislator asked if the law included when a women was in labor and the baby in the birth canal. The answer was that an abortion could take place at that time. People were shocked by that. More so when the law was passed and the room broke into cheers. Even for many pro-choice advocates that was a bridge too far. And yet, for Progressives it still isn’t enough. California wants abortion to be up to 36 days AFTER birth.

I find it ironic that the cities that had the biggest, most violent protests over the ruling this weekend were in Blue states where nothing is going to change. They can still have abortions at any time for any reason up to and including birth. California and New York already have extremely liberal abortion laws, yet they have the most hysterical protestors. They say they are concerned for the women in states that will limit abortion. They don’t give a moment’s thought to the fact that the people of those states WANT limits on abortion. That’s the POINT. In a Republic we have representative government. We vote for people who will represent what believe in. That was the point of the Dobbs case. The people of Mississippi wanted limits on abortion and the Federal government told them they couldn’t.

This ruling has shown who the racists are. Although Justice Alito wrote the decision, Progressives are going after Justice Thomas, a Black Conservative Justice. They say the ruling effects minority communities disproportionately. Yes, it does. In New York more Black babies are aborted than born. That is how upside down their claims are. Those who want to save minority babies are called racist but those who want them aborted are heroes.

Progressives have no one to blame but themselves. They want no limits at all on abortion. They fight against counseling, ultrasounds, adoption or ANY alternative to abortion. They especially don’t want ultrasounds because when women see their baby most choose to carry the baby to full term. The complete opposition to alternatives to abortion is yet another reason many have turned against the pro-choice side.

They are never willing to compromise or accept the status quo. They keep pushing the limits and are willing to lie, cheat and steal to get what they want. The Supreme Court twisted the Constitution into a pretzel to pass Obamacare. Much of it said policies were “at the discretion of the HHR Secretary” so we have no way of knowing what the policies will be. We learned during COVID that the government now will tell doctors what treatments and medications they can prescribe for their patients and pharmacists what medications they can fill. They can close down businesses, lock us down, mandate masks and experimental vaccines. They can deny people healthcare. Would Obamacare have passed if people had known that?

They weren’t satisfied with us accepting gay marriage, we had to embrace and encourage it. They now want us to accept Drag Queen story time, hundreds of genders that can be changed at will, boys in girl’s bathrooms and locker rooms, biological men competing in women’s sports, biological men in women’s prisons, graphic sex education, teachers encouraging puberty blockers, parental rights ignored…..they demand we agree with what we know isn’t true. And parents who object to any of this are labeled “domestic terrorists”.

They push too far. Reasonable people are willing to compromise but progressives never are. I think our days of trying to compromise with Progressives is over and they have no one to blame but themselves.

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Last week ten people were killed in a Buffalo supermarket. This week nineteen children and two teachers were killed in Uvalde, Texas. The Left and the media are demanding “gun control” and banning “assault weapons”. They are saying since Sandy Hook the Right has refused to take action to prevent mass shootings. They, of course, mean the Right isn’t willing to take away people’s Constitutionally guaranteed 2nd Amendment Rights. But they neglect to mention that since Sandy Hook the Left has ALSO refused to act. They refuse to consider having armed security at our schools. And let’s not forget the politicians, actors, journalists and others with access to the microphone, who are demanding our gun Rights be infringed, have armed security protecting THEM.

But what the Left isn’t doing is to ask the OBVIOUS question…..”What has changed in our society that is creating killers”?

This morning before his sermon, the minister of my church mentioned that there were terrifying events this week that makes us want to hold our loved ones closer. Why didn’t EVERY minister at every church across the country trash their sermons and have the courage to ask that question? WHAT CHANGED?

As I listened to the sermon this morning I felt led to write this. I have the greatest admiration and respect for my pastor and I could tell he wanted to speak more about the events of the last few weeks but he couldn’t. Churches are 501 3C nonprofits and can’t speak about politics…..and there in lies one of the most destructive things that have changed. During the American Revolution it was the “Black Robe Brigade” that supported our independence and gathered men to fight for it. Our society is in a serious moral decline and our churches are silent. They tell us to trust in the Lord, but do they?

When I was growing up there were no mass shootings even though a higher percentage of households had guns than now. Even though our high school parking lots were full of pick up trucks with gun racks filled with guns, there were no mass shootings. High Schools had Gun Clubs, classes on shooting and caring for guns.

So, what changed? I would suggest the beginning was taking prayer out of schools and God out of the public square. There has been an organized effort from the Left to remove anything religious from society; Nativity Scenes, Christmas trees, “Merry Christmas”, religious Christmas music, change Christmas vacation to Winter vacation, Easter break to Spring Break, etc. In California, schools no longer allow kids to sing songs like, Silent Night, Ava Maria, Oh, Holy Night, The First Noel, etc. They have been working hard to remove benedictions and the pledge of allegiance from public meetings. Many places no longer have people swear to tell the truth on a Bible.

Everything that has tethered our society to reality, truth and science has been eroded. One of the worst is the lack of respect for the sanctity of life. The fact that state legislatures are passing bills that allow abortions up to 28 days AFTER birth and our churches are silent is unimaginable. Eleven states have legalized “assisted suicide”. How many are being convinced that their suicide would be best for their families as their healthcare is a financial burden? It’s impossible to believe the states that put COVID patients in nursing homes didn’t know that would result in deaths; or removing treatments like HCQ or Ivermectin; or that masking our kids and remote learning would harm our kids. We always trusted that our children’s welfare would be the priority of any public policy. We no longer can.

We’re now not only required to accept untruths, we are required to embrace them. We’re told there aren’t two genders, there are hundreds. Apparently, people can change their gender at will. All one has to do is “identify” as a different gender. And that keeps changing too. First it was LBGT but they keep adding letters. We all know what heterosexual, homosexual and bi-sexual mean, but beyond that I have no idea what the other dozens of genders are. People can be fired or kicked out of school for “misgendering” someone. If you can change you gender at will how can anyone know what your current pronoun is?

We once had a media that would point out the untruths and absurdities. The media no longer even attempts to be objective or unbiased. People no longer know where to find the truth about events that happen in our country or around the world. The media has slandered innocent people (think Nick Sandman), knowingly lied about things like Russian Collusion, Ferguson, Jesse Smollett, the Cuomos, BLM, ANTIFA, and just about everything about COVID. They have no curiosity about anything that might contradict their Liberal narrative.

One of the things COVID revealed was the extent of the war on family. For the first time, due to “remote learning”, parents discovered what our schools were teaching their children. Normalizing gender dysphoria, sex education no longer being about biology but “how to”, dozens of genders, CRT, 1619, social justice, our founders were evil, old, White, slave owners so anything good they did doesn’t matter, same with Columbus, Capitalism is bad, Socialism is good……and don’t tell your parents……they wouldn’t understand…..it’s our little secret, etc.

Through Social Emotional Learning they plan to take over the mental, physical and sexual health of our children. Many of our schools encourage children to question their gender identity while they still believe in Santa Claus. They are allowing males who “identify” as females to compete in women’s sports. They want us to accept their claim that a male identifying as a female has no physical advantage. They demand we believe what we know is untrue.

Then there is the two tiered justice system. Anything the Left does that is wrong or illegal is justified and shouldn’t be punished. In fact, as in the examples of George Floyd and Michael Brown, they should be honored. The BLM protests of the summer of 2020, were “mostly peaceful” and justified due to America being such a racist country. So, politicians, actors and other Lefties bailed out the “mostly peaceful” protestors who looted and burned local businesses, police stations, set up armed “autonomous zones”, and killed 25. Burning historic St. John’s church, tearing down statues of Lincoln and Washington, threatening the White House to the point the Secret Service took the President to the “bunker”, is all justified. I’m not aware of anyone being in jail that participated in any of this. And, of course, COVID mandates were ignored for these protests because, again, they were justified.

But the mostly senior citizens who protested the many election irregularities, illegal changes in voting laws, counting stopped, observers shut out of observing, trucks full of ballots arriving after hours, etc. are ALL “insurrectionists”, ALL “White Supremacists”, ALL “domestic terrorists”. January 6th protestors charged with misdemeanors are STILL in jail 18 months later. Examples made of them to discourage any on the Right from protesting anything ever again. When Trump was elected marauding Leftists protested through Washington D.C. and caused more damage than anyone did on January 6th. Media? Crickets.

Let me reminded us of what Michelle Obama said, “Barak knows that we are going to have to make sacrifices; we are going to have to change our conversation; we are going to have to change our traditions, our history; we are going to have to move to a different place as a nation”. All that has been done since Obama took office. Our traditions and history HAVE been changed (1619/CRT).

The rug has been pulled out from under all of us. The Left is working on ending the Fourth of July as well as Thanksgiving and Easter. They want nothing that honors our founding or our religion (Islam exempt). Our families under attack, our communities under attack, our values under attack, religion under attack, our culture and traditions, ALL under attack. Our trust in government, science, medicine, schools, GONE. Reality and truth? Whose truth? Yours or mine?

COVID showed us what the Left supports and believes in. Governors, Mayors and other politicians who demanded people be fired or arrested if they didn’t follow the mandates, attended events maskless. If they truly believed COVID was a deadly virus they would follow their own mandates, wouldn’t they? What they support is complete control of our lives. They supported big box stores (Home Depot, Walmart, supermarkets) and closed all small businesses. They left marajuana stores, liquor stores and abortion clinics open but shut down gyms, beaches, necessary surgeries, birthdays, weddings, funerals, graduations, etc. People couldn’t visit their dying loved ones in hospitals or nursing homes. And when none of this changed the course of COVID there has been no apology, no course correction. The Left loved their power so much they have no intention of giving it up. They are simply looking for another reason to declare a State of Emergency. Monkey Pox?

When you strip people of their humanity and dignity, destroy their faith and trust, untether them from reality, truth and family, destroy their traditions and culture, teach them to hate their forefathers and country, create distrust in science and medicine, you are creating an unstable society. Unstable societies that don’t value life create unstable people willing to act out in dangerous and violent ways.

If we are to survive as a country we need to get back to our Judeo-Christian roots. We need our churches and ministers to have the courage to speak about the moral decline of our country. They need to address abortion, the sanctity of life, the evil of a few controlling the lives of others and that our Rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (property) come from God, not man.

May God bless and protect America.

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